Vol. 11: TA GUEULE
In a fragment of Fiodor Dostoyevski's Demons, the reader is told: Life is pain, life is terror and man loves life because he loves pain and terror, and there lies all the deception. Now man is not yet what he will be. There will be a new man, happy and proud. That man will give the same to live as not to live; That will be the new man. He who conquers pain and terror will be God himself. And the other God will stop being him.
In The cave sleeps (With that rock on top) a new beginning shines in a ship where a handful of older women have gathered. They are tired of waiting, and that makes their struggle not become nonsense. This is no longer the time to return home, search for your roots, find Eden again. These places no longer exist and, therefore, must be rediscovered realistically through what is available. Now it is time to consider what is to come or what remains to be lived.
Conception, direction, choreography, space and lighting by Joaquín Collado and Nicolás Jongen Performers: Pilar Ten Muñoz, Caridad Ojeda Rivera, Maribel Belloch, María Isabel Fernández Moreno.
Acknowledgments: Oriol López, Francina Espuny, Fractals (Yolanda Catalán, Natalia Coleto, Andrea Pont, Alba López), Albert Ventura, Carmen Triñanes and Ximo Rojo.
Co-production of Ça marche, Antes Collado and Graneros de Creación (Espai Rambleta and Proyecto Inestable).
With the support of:
08-10. 02. 2019 - Espacio Inestable, Valencia (ES)
11-13. 12. 2018 - Espai Rambleta, Valencia (ES)