Vol. 111: SILENCE
Vol. 111: SILENCE
Is there any (good) way to leave home, or is it too naive to dream of emancipation? Silence is part of our generational (and, therefore, personal) concern about how to dream the future of our world. A piece built on the moment when the parents are not (there) or, at least, they are not watching us. On the stage, a group of 5 girls and boys will be responsible for the scenic device during the 70 minutes of the piece.
In 2018, in the midst of a populist epidemic that created space for Donald Trump and Matteo Salvini, Ça marche wants to protect us from what is trying to make us become people that has stopped being governed by reason and ethics, and has returned to our most bodily and unreflective dimension (a childhood regression, after all). We propose today, after a century of social transformations and 50 years since the proclamations of May ‘68, that we should dream of the beach under the cobblestones, but that this beach can not be the island of Pinocchio or Peter Pan’s sons. Childhood (with its anti-fictional, asemantic, and legal attributes) can not stablish a community. The community we propose (of which the children of Silence are too frightened) is also on a “plage”, on an island that, like all islands, is a desert island. The desert islands, as a young Gilles Deleuze recalls, are found before and after men. Its movement is double: constituent (because it allows man to dream of a restart, an eternal reconstruction of his world from scratch) and destitute (the island always threatens to be abandoned again, erupt or flood like Atlantis).
With Silence we want to explore the complexity of this double movement of the island: the institutionalization of the adult and child deprivation, the future of the world and the coexistence with our ghosts.
Direction & authorship: Nico Jongen
Dramaturgy: Oriol López
Autorship: Nico Jongen & Oriol López
Space: Albert Ventura
Lights design: Marc Salicrú
Movement: Joaquín Collado
Costume design: Carmen Triñanes
Production: Clara Giménez & Laura Viñals
Thanks to Mercedes Diz, Víctor Molina, Escola Les Pisanes,
Escola El Vapor
A coproduction of Ça marche & Festival TNT
With the support of
10. 12. 2021 - CC Baró de Viver, Barcelona (ES)
04. 12. 2021 - CC Zona Nord, Barcelona (ES)
18. 11. 2021 - CC Barceloneta, Barcelona (ES)
28. 11. 2019 - Sala Laboratori, Vic (ES)
04. 07. 2019 - BE Festival, Birmingham (UK)
07. 01. 2018 - Sala Hiroshima, Barcelona (ES)
01. 10. 2017 - TNT Festival, Terrassa (ES)