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Vol. 1: ÇA VA

Vol. 1: ÇA VA

S/he danced. Alone. Not because he'd advanced the less virtuous to dance a solo. No. Nor he evolved without dance partners. S/he seemed rather to dance with her loneliness, as if for her it was a «companion solitude» that is to say: complex, full of images, dreams, ghosts, memory. And so s/he danced his solitudes, creating, thus, a multiplicity of a new genre.


Georges Didi-Huberman

Direction: Nico Jongen
Dramaturgy: Oriol López
Performers: Carmen Gomez, Elena Kulisevsky, Oriol López, Claudia Torrents and Albert Ventura
Scenography: Albert Ventura
Costume design: Claudia Torrents
Movement assistant: Joaquín Collado
Lighting design: Roger Piqué
Sound design: Didac Mariné
Graphic design: Claudia Torrents
Video: Francisca D’Acosta

Thanks to: Jordi Fondevila
With the support of: Institut del Teatre - Barcelona, La Inutil-Barcelona


17-19. 06. 2016   -  Institut del Teatre, Barcelona (ES)

02-03. 11. 2016   - Sala Hiroshima, Barcelona (ES)

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